"Writers, Writing Words:'                     being characters" © 2023

"Writers, Writing Words:'                     being characters" © 2023


The Poem of The Day

28 Dec 2020

I'm Defined, Strengthened, I'm Thankful

For years and years, Thanksgiving meant nothing to me.

Far too much heartache I faced on this day.

I lost my wife when I lost the love of my own life.

I know my late wife still follows my plight. 

And let's not go here, but it's time that I do.

That, I had to, been, caught-up in, this catch twenty-two.

A tragedy took place on this day, 

and all I wanted was; harmony at its play.

A visit from Satan, he did come to our house this day,

the cunning and baffling evil; but he came to disarray.

I need to make this clearer to you so that you can see?

He came to bring harm to my kids; he invaded my family.

This Lord of Destruction; that he seeks to destroy, maim, and steal. 

Anyone, everyone, the happiness they feel? 

To take everything that our Father God has given, 

it will wilt and in a keel.

Two of my children lost their innocence to his harm, 

we caught him in this activity if you want to talk about some hell, we damn sure was alarmed!

Satan and his minions, the damage they had done by the time we got there, my children were already in their despair; we were no longer as strong as being one.

For the rage and the hate that I did feel, 

those two emotions together; brought me to kneel. 

I prayed, and I prayed, please release me from these convictions.

If it had not come when it did, it would have led me back into addictions. 

It's over now; it has been for quite some time, being real.

I'm thankful, though, that I didn't kill him and that I'm not sad for what Satan came to steal.

| Copyright © William Darnell Sr |

| Year Posted 2020 | 

Source - PoetrySoup™

#thankful, #rage, #satan, #character, #hate

8 Dec 2020
A picture of what you might find in a meadow, may she rest in peace.

A picture of what you might find in a meadow, may she rest in peace.

Choosing Me

Choosing Me

I sing today with a joyful heart, 

for the dark-clouds had left from wavering over the top. 

I wake in the light of the sun now, 

and birds once again sing with me in a relay.

The flowerings' spread all about in the fields, 

with the thickets alongside them in balance.

The scent of the lavender and lilacs; I do thee smell,

brings about the enrichment of what you brought to my life.

The hours of my yesteryears will never fade from you,

for you have not only shown what the meaning of life was,

but the bliss of the purpose is also hard to fathom. 

Thank you, my love, for choosing me!

| Copyright © William Darnell Sr | 

| Year Posted 2020 |

Source - PoetrySoup™  

#lavender, #enrichment, #yesteryears, #purpose

30 Nov 2020

Just For Today

Just for today,

I choose to; Free me from the insignificant worries,

and focus only on that which matters.

Looking and moving forward,

searching for unique passageways to encounter.

Taking paths, I wouldn't usually go down,

but life is a journey looking for a new adventure.

I am focused along these roads for the opportunity to arise,

seeking vitality to complete this pathway's journey.

Just for today,

I choose to; Look forward to the perpetual crusade of the moment's significance.

| Copyright © William Darnell Sr |

| Year Posted 2020 | 

Source - PoetrySoup™

10 Aug 2020

 MY, Wendy Anne

Willingly, I give you my heart

Easily falling from the start

Neither of us knows where this will go

Doing everything we can, to let this love grow

Yearning, for God to play His part

Always, wanting love so true

Not knowing what God already knew

Now, we are here together

Every day is getting better and better

Can hardly believe this love so pure

Under God’s eyes, it is for sure

Now, I know she is the most perfect, in the land

Doing everything I can to win her hand

I will give her a love that is so grand

For, I know in my heart that she is true

Forever will I say, "I Love You?”

Wendy Anne Cundiff

| Copyright © John Perrin | Year Posted 2020 |

e  #acrostic

2 Aug 2020

A Mischief of A Creature

There's a special bond,
with my cat, and me, a man.

They're a perfect union together,
with a love at its hand.

He loves to investigate things, 
you see,
but, that's just what cats do.

And, if it meets with his approval,
he's meowing a thing or two.

He can even play kickball, 
from across the room, he plays.

And, if he sees that he's winning
he'll meow,
Hey, human, what can I say? 

Somehow, in the middle here,
he loves to take his naps.

But, if you disrupt his nap, 
you see,
he'll wake you with his slap.

My cat, you see, can be a goof at times,
and, that's alright with me.

But, if he wasn't pestering me
I'd have to go look and see

He tries to be a sly little fox,
when he is, 
we have our talks

Now, I find closure here
writing about my cat

I've nothing more to say
this is my creature, he's my cat.

| Copyright © William Darnell Sr |
| Year Posted 2020 | All Rights Reserved |

Source - PoetrySoup™ 

2 Aug 2020

I Can't Take You Me

I can't take you with me,

when I leave this world.

When I'm laid to rest when my life goes to pass,
underneath those blades of grass.

Maybe a marble stone,
marking a place, the life of me.

Don't stop too long, please,
grieving for me,
life needs to be moving along.

I'm here, to help, that life moves on,
don't get weak, 
without being, staying so strong.

Move along with, your dreams in you,
find a place in this world, just being you.

But, on your wedding day, 
look within, 
you'll find me there for you.

I'll have a smile or two, 
watching over you,
a hope, a tear of joy just for you.

When your children are born, 
take a moment for me,
all I ask is, please, don't forget about me? 

I'll always be there, 
with a little pride in my soul,
some dignity,
I'll be proud of you.

So, think of me some for a while, 
along your life's way, 
I'll think of you when I go home.

| Copyright © William Darnell Sr |
| Year Posted 2020 |

Source - PoetrySoup™
15 Jul 2020

Whisper of The Unheard Voice 

  Whisper of The Unheard Voice 

Writing of the words in this heart, 

have been hidden, 

the beating of my heart is at a race. 

Quiet of a man,

has he been subdued? 

My canvas is an off-white, 

this writer should I write, 

silently in pursuit of his muse for words?

My mind is the surest place for me to browse, 

but my writing of this gray is not allowed. 

I'm striving for these words to come out to be. 

Making noises inside my head, 

searching my memory,

for just the right words to be said. 

I'm sure what I find, 

indeed needs to be read. 

Turning my canvas of closure, 

to a light blue. 

This author stumbling to find, 

unwritten is his muse in mind, 

his heart still, had he refrained!?  

Speaking of, the unwritten words about to be, 

the written words that are still a blank inside of me. 

I write as if it was going to be of a "Crown" of solid gold, 

be it foretold of story old, 

gleaming in the light of its hail. 

These words let them come, 

where the end, has it begun,  

literary of his choice of the unwritten. 

This piece will be his way of breaking the authors' sway, 

unethically speaking this, of course. 

It's in my journal that I should write,

but decided to take these words to Grammarly's site.


At least to stay ahead of this poem's play, 

is a sprite, let us say? 

Why not throw in a tickle or two or three? 

We were talking of a sprite, 

hm, let us see? 

Right now I am thirsty,

can I drink that sprite I wrote into play, ha? 

A sprite is a word, 

is that the soda drink that I speak?

Or here is an entity, 

well, I guess that would be me! 

My body at a whole needs a respite, 

before finishing the unheard, 

of an unspoken heart, unspoken. 

I'll end in a whisper, good night to all a good night.

| Copyright © | William Darnell Sr | 

| Year Posted 2020 | All Rights Reserved |

Source - PoetrySoup™

#refrained, #unspoken, #unheard, #subdued

credits: unsplashed.com

credits: unsplashed.com

27 Apr 2020

Bright, A Victory

Bright A Victory

There's a ray of bright sunshine,

after every night.

With this hope in mind,

I will carry out my fight.

A fight with myself and my rejection,

I'm not sure the right path, in a direction.

I won't give up on life to soon,

nor the hurt of my will, deep a wound.

No matter how my life turns out,

I shall beat in this victory.

My brightness will rise soon,

and that time isn't far.

I soon will shine,

and brighten my victory.

| Copyright © | William Darnell Sr | 

| Year Posted 2020 |

Source - PoetrySoup

#victory, #deep-a-wound, #rejection, #brighten

1 Feb 2020

I was watching out in that field when I watched this unfold right before my eyes. I couldn't really do anything as I was too far away and no water in the field anyway.

I knew those clouds were coming in, and none too soon. 

In The Distance 

As I gaze in the distance of the field,

a field of wildflowers and thickets.

I see in the distance,

a blemish of temper and scorch.

The harmony of the field is plagued and tarnished,

by raged flame.

As the flames making its way through the field,

devouring everything in its path.

The wildflowers,

wilted and scorched,

torn in their beauty.

The thickets,

lay blistered,

weeping in sorrow.

The sky brings a cool mist of rain,

that has justice in its nature.

For the field of wildflowers and thickets,

they are in harmony from the rage.

The dance of the wildflower and thickets is the beauty,

that I have gazed at, in the distance.

| Copyright © | William Darnell Sr. |

| Year Posted 2013, 2020 | 


#in-the-distance, #temper-and-scorch #blistered, #justice-in-its-nature, wildflowers, #thickets

6 Nov 2019
Beautiful Willow Tree so full and healthy. The willow tree was my mom's favorite tree.

Beautiful Willow Tree so full and healthy. The willow tree was my mom's favorite tree.

A walk in the forest, that you feel a connection to,

by the forces of nature,

believe in it.

A Walk

Come with me,

et us take a walk.

With balmy breezes,

the bold grounds. 

My willow tree,

that shades its path.

Standing there,

stretching its branch.

Touch me where

I ache the most. 

That show's the least,

love's you the most. 

Touch me there,

stay with me. 

Share my twilight,

a memory. 

A shine that,

warns off the heat. 

Turns to the dawn,

sweet memory...

Touch me there,

stay with me. 

A sweet taste,

pure memory.

| Copyright ©William Darnell Sr |

| Year Posted 2017, 2020 | 

Source - PoetrySoup

#walk, #sweet-momory, #twilight, #willow-tree, #balmy

6 Nov 2019
This is the Poet. I have been writing for about 20 years. But, that's me, The Poet.

This is the Poet. I have been writing for about 20 years. But, that's me, The Poet.

"There are many different types of poetry, each,

defining his/her character of their style." 

~William Darnell Sr

The Poet

Waiting word, 

to form.

Blurting sounds, 

and syllables.

The writing, 


Of characters, 

in motion.

Flowing together, 

in a sentence.

Add to it,  

The Poet! 

| Copyright © | William Darnell Sr. |

|Year Posted 2017, 2020 |

Source - PoetrySoup

#poet, #characters, language, #waiting, #syllable

6 Nov 2019

May Your Every Day

My wish to you is health and happiness,

as you were to wake into your day. 

May the early morning sun be so bright,

that it shines on you in every way.

A gentle breeze caresses your face,

as you walk along life's busy day.

I hope all of your dreams, be fulfilled,

as you achieve your every goal.

And when your day comes to an end,

may peace touch your heart and soul. 

| Copyright © | William Darnell Sr. |

| Year Posted 2019, 2020 |

Source - PoetrySoup

#morning-sun, #caresses, #achieve, #heart-and-soul,


Birds kissing in flight...

Birds kissing in flight...

6 Nov 2019

I was saved when I was 9. Been with Him ever since. There had been times I've strayed, but I knew I wouldn't stray too long.  I'd be back with my Lord, I'd say.

Times I needed to learn on my own I suppose, but, defined who I am today. 

Me, A Servant

My what an honor today,
that I serve Jesus.
To take His loving hand,
please show me the way.
He opened my eyes,
allowed me to see.
He blew life in my lungs,
He brought me to breathe.
It was in nick of time,
I wouldn't have it any other way.
You took me from that storm,
that thrashed me away.
You brought Peace in me now,
I'll never live without.
You're the center of my world,
I'll give it a shout...
I have more love for You,
that one person can give.
My what a pleasure it is,
You live within.
I was foolish in the first place,
not to be with You.
I love You more today Lord,
more than I did yesterday too.

God Bless...

| Copyright ©William Darnell Sr. |

| Year Posted 2017-19 |

Source - PoetrySoup

#pleasure, #God-Bless, #I-serve-Jesus, #thrashed-me-away,

#He-brought-me-to-breath, #He-allowed-me-to-see

6 Nov 2019
American Soldier

American Soldier

God Bless you all, 

American Soldiers.

For your dedication to our Country.

For putting your own lives first,

even sacrificing and losing your lives to save 

many. Fighting for our Liberties and Freedoms,

for saving my life, for saving our lives, 

for Protecting Our Country.  

I Salute to you, your daring Courage.

I Salute to you, your mighty Strengths.

I Salute to you, your heart of Honor.

I Salute to you, your acts of Bravery.

I Salute to you, your mighty Heroism. 

I Salute to you, your victorious Valor.

I thank and salute to you, 

your dedication to our Country.

For putting your own lives first,

even sacrificing and losing your lives to save 

many. Fighting for our Liberties and Freedoms,

for saving my life, for saving our lives,

for Protecting Our Country.

I’m Honored to you, your daring Courage.  

I’m Honored to you, your mighty Strengths.

I’m Honored to you, your heart of Honor.

I’m Honored to you, your acts of Bravery.

I’m Honored to you, your mighty Heroism.

I’m Honored to you, your victorious Valor.

I thank you and I'm honored to you,

for your dedication to our Country.

For putting your own lives first,

even sacrificing and losing your lives to save 

many. Fighting for our Liberties and Freedoms,

for saving my life, for saving our lives, 

for Protecting Our Country.

| Copyright  © | William Darnell Sr |

| Year Posted 2017, 2019 |

Source - PoetrySoup

#sacrifices, #honor, #dedication, #valor, #heroism, #courage


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