"Writers, Writing Words:'                     being characters" © 2023

"Writers, Writing Words:'                     being characters" © 2023


The Poem of The Day

6 Nov 2019
Friends are very important people that we cherish...

Friends are very important people that we cherish...

People rely on friends, to get by with everyday life struggles. And each and every one of us, have come across from every category in life as well. Admit it or not, it is about the truest statement out there. Friends are dear and precious to us,

I know mine is and I do tell them so.                                                   


Friendship is the kind of love,

that never can grow old.

Warm and cozy it will stay

when other things are cold.

Friendship is a love so true,

it won't be denied.

Because a friend will always be there,

close to your side.

Lovers come and go,

in this game of life, we play.

But a true friend, no matter what,

in your heart will always stay.

So hold these friends dear to you,

and never let them go.

Think how much they mean to you,

and make sure to tell them so. 

| Copyright © | William Darnell Sr |

| Year Posted 2013-19 |

Source - PoetrySoup

nds, #i, #true-friends, #friendship 

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