"Writers, Writing Words:'                     being characters" © 2023

"Writers, Writing Words:'                     being characters" © 2023


This page is a "Featured' page for 'Other Writers' I have been inspired by, and these 'Unique Writers' come from my publishers' site, 'PoetrySoup™."

Wendy and John was working on something special between them, then devastating as it was to John, Wendy, suddenly passed away, may she R.I.P. with our, Lord God above. John Perrin was crushed, but he had written a tribute, dedicated, eloquent acrostic poem for her, in remembrance.
Wendy and John was working on something special between them, then devastating as it was to John, Wendy, suddenly passed away, may she R.I.P. with our, Lord God above. John Perrin was crushed, but he had written a tribute, dedicated, eloquent acrostic poem for her, in remembrance.

My, Wendy Anne

Willingly, I give you my heart

Easily falling from the start

Neither of us knows where this will go

Doing everything we can to let this love grow

Yearning, for God to play His part

Always wanting love so true

Not knowing what God already knew

Now we are here together

Every day is getting better and better

Can hardly believe this love so pure

Under God’s eyes, it is for sure

Now, I know she is the most perfect in the land

Doing everything I can to win her hand

I will give her a love that is so grand

For, I know in my heart that she is true

Forever will I say, "I Love You?”

Wendy Anne Cundiff

| Copyright © John Perrin |

| Year Posted 2020 |

Source - PoetrySoup

, #acrostic

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Credits for picture: Jan Huber/@jan_huber

This oak tree, is over I50 years old, and she looks great! Very nice an sunny, with a small breeze in the backgrounds of the painted canvas in which I work.
This oak tree, is over I50 years old, and she looks great! Very nice an sunny, with a small breeze in the backgrounds of the painted canvas in which I work.

That tree, in the corner of the woods?

The one that peers' over the top in a valley,

high off the cliffs ridge just over there, Blue Hills.

The joyous time, 

to figure the thought of the grain in them trees.

The tree, in the corner of the woods, 

now over here.

I'd walked that far already, 

by this Weeping Willow now.

I didn't see it weep once, not a tear!

The Hickory tree, I smoked my fish with, 

was by the Ash trees.

It was a mere glimpse of the valley, 

the view of a grand ole' daddy Black Oak tree, seen as it stood.

That Zebrawood tree, I made a bowl to eat my cereal with, 

wasn't as purple as the Paduka tree, when I carved a shoe.

But softer than the Babinga tree, 

when I carved an orange boot out of it!

The tree, in the corner of the woods?

Was the Mahogany tree, the top of the line boats that sailboats built of, 

turned out to be an Apple tree?

George Washington would love them, haha!?

The tree, in the corner of the woods?

The Olive tree looking humbled,

that the olive wasn't quite ripe enough for the martini.

The tree, in the corner of the woods?

The Teak tree that needed to leak, 

made your fruit look so good on your table.

The tree, in the corner of the woods?

Stands taller than all the others, 

where they wish they could rise tall.

The tree, in the corner of the woods?

Just, peering over the top in a valley seeking its joy, 

trying to figure the thoughts of the grand ole' daddy black oak!

The tree, in the corner of the woods?

It was mere to glimpse of what my valley held.

It was in those trees, a valley held in the woods,

the view to this grand ole' daddy black oak, seen as it stood as one.

| Copyright © | William Darnell Sr | 

| Year Posted 2020 |

Source - PoetrySoup™

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Swagger © Poetry/William

#black-oak, #teak, #inspirational, #glimpse, #trees, #woods, #joyful, 

#valley, #friendly

Powered by Unsplash 

Pictures Credits: TimMossholder/@timmossholder

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